Renee King-Sonnen

Renee King-Sonnen is the Founder and Executive Director of Rowdy Girl Sanctuary, a 501(c)(3) non-profit with pioneering initiatives: The Rancher Advocacy Program transitions cattle ranchers and animal farmers out of animal agribusiness and Families Choosing Compassion is a compassionate alternative to Future Farmers of America and 4-H. Since going vegan on October 31, 2014 Renee has converted Rowdy Girl Sanctuary from a cattle ranch to a sanctuary for over 120 animals–the first documented beef cattle ranch vegan conversion in history. As a result her husband, a former cattle rancher is now vegan and together they are creating a strong vegan footprint in Texas. Because of extreme flood events associated with climate change, Renee recently moved the entire organization from Angleton to Waelder, Texas near Austin and San Antonio. She is passionate about the future, and is laying the groundwork to build an educational center and knowledge base with a central theme of showcasing ranchers and animal farmers in RAP programming; and she is developing a facility and system of care designed to care for aging bovine and other large animals for the rest of their natural lives as beings instead of food.
Hi there!
I am talking to a variety of stakeholders about the economics of farm transitions in hopes of getting more involved in this movement. I’ve read about the Rancher Advocacy Program and am extremely interested in your work. I’d love to set up a time to talk with a team member if possible. I’m working with an investor who is really interested in creating a business model that incentivizes farm transitions.
Hi – this is Renee. I’m the founder and exec. dir. of RGS and RAP – I’m happy to discuss .
email me at [email protected] to set up an appointment
my cell is 281-684-9101
The interesting Bon Appetit article said that you don’t put any animal inputs on your vegetable garden. What do you do with the manure?