RAP Mentors
Kip Andersen
RAP Environmental Mentor Kip Andersen’s environmental awakening came as a result of An Inconvenient Truth. After seeing the film, he began to recycle religiously, turn off lights constantly, shower infrequently, and ride a bike instead of driving. Andersen believed he...
Dr. Will Tuttle
RAP Ethical Mentor Dr. Will Tuttle, visionary author of the acclaimed best-seller The World Peace Diet, published in 16 languages, is a recipient of the Courage of Conscience Award and the Empty Cages Prize. He’s also the author of Your Inner Islands, on developing...
Dr. Bandana Chawla
RAP Plant-Based Health Mentor Dr. Bandana Chawla is a board certified physician in Internal Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine. She graduated from UT Southwestern Medical School and completed her residency training at the Texas Medical Center. She has been practicing as...
Dr. Munish Chawla
RAP Plant-Based Health Mentor Dr. Munish Chawla is a board certified physician in Diagnostic Radiology and Lifestyle Medicine. A long time practitioner of meditation and yoga, he adopted a plant based lifestyle in 2013. Upon becoming aware of the research proven...