
Solar Energy Resources

The U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) has developed online resources to help those who want to go solar or who work with solar energy.

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Find Your Wind Rights Value for Free: Lease Land for Wind Turbines

Need help from a Land Expert? Determine the value of your land resources, understand what you own, see nearby sales and activities, or list your wind rights.

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Turn your crop land into Solar Farms - More Money, Less Effort

Land is imperative to survival; crops of food, animal grazing, pollination, and now harvesting solar energy. A lot of work goes into crop land from fertilizing, planting, feeding, watering, harvesting to worrying about the weather and machine maintenance. Ultimately, farmers don’t see a payday until they sell their crops, so it can be a risky investment if the climate isn’t up-to-par. When choosing to install a solar farm on your land, it is a very low risk investment because your investment is only a signed lease. The developer will take care of installation, maintenance and any increase in property taxes that are attributed to the project. Landowners who switch their crops for solar typically make 3-4 times the amount conventional farming.

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How do I lease my land to a wind project developer?

Wind developers buy the turbines from the manufacturers, lease the land to place the turbines, construct and operate the development, and sell the electricity to a utility or distribution company. As a landowner, your business role will be to negotiate a contract for the lease of your land to a wind developer.

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Chew On This: Farmers Are Using Food Waste To Make Electricity

Dairy farmers in Massachusetts are using food waste to create electricity. They feed waste into anaerobic digesters, which capture the methane emissions and make renewable energy.

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