Promote plant-based living with a grant from VegFund

Do you want to encourage people to choose a vegan lifestyle? VegFund offers grants to help you do just that! VegFund provides grant funding supporting vegan outreach for:

Community Events that involve direct-to-the-public projects such as plant-based food sampling, film screenings, festivals and fairs, and learning events

Special Projects that cover longer-term projects such as humane education, school outreach, developing video series or training modules, mentored campaigns, and vegan challenges

And more…

Find the activity that’s right for you

To learn more about how VegFund can support your ideas for helping people transition to plant-based living:

Read about a wonderful array of vegan outreach activities organized by VegFund grantees, such as how farm sanctuaries have used grant funding to help educate the public about vegan living through food sampling, screening influential films such as The Last Pig, festivals and open houses, and learning events.

For even more ideas to inspire your outreach, browse our Activist Stories.

Learn more at

VegFund supports the global community of vegan advocates in your efforts to inform the public about the benefits of vegan living. We provide grant funding for food sampling, film screenings, vegfests and health fairs, conferences, and learning events. We can even help you bring your own ideas for innovative advocacy to life.