Transition Stories in the News

Want some inspiration?  Here are some incredible success stories of ranchers who have made this change, and the benefits they have enjoyed.

10 Amazing Vegan Transformation Stories of Slaughterhouse Workers and Animal Farmers

Transforming Farming from Animals to Plants

Ex Pig Farmer: “Veganism Is The Future Of Farming”

Chew On This: Farmers Are Using Food Waste To Make Electricity

From Raising Chickens To Growing Mushrooms: Here’s How Livestock Farmers Can Make The Sustainable Leap

Putting compassionate farming first: a rancher’s wife goes vegan

This Farmer Started Growing Hemp Instead of Killing Chickens

The Plant-Based Movement to Transition Farmers Away from Meat and Dairy Production

Miyoko's Creamery Announces Intent to Convert Dairy Farm to Plant Agriculture

Vegan Society Success Stories

One Hemp Farmer’s Transition From Cattle to Cannabis

On This German Farm, Cows Are in Charge. Or at Least Coequals.

Bob Comis, The Last Pig

A new farming future

California's oldest dairy ends operations after 125 years in business

The Plant-Based Movement to Transition Farmers Away from Meat and Dairy Production